
Registering a new domain

Please note that some top-level domains need specified information that can be added through an extension. Click on General template to show the template that applies to most of the top-level domains or click on another template set to show the corresponding XML template.

.* General template
For top-level domains that require no additional information
.ABOGADO Template to order .abogado domains
IDN language
.AC Template to order .ac domains
IDN language
.AC.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.ACADEMY Template to order .academy domains
IDN language
.ACCOUNTANTS Template to order .accountants domains
IDN language
.ACTOR Template to order .actor domains
IDN language
.AE.ORG Template to order domains
IDN language
.AERO Template to order .aero domains
Authorization Id
Authorization Key
.AG Template to order .ag domains
IDN language
.AGENCY Template to order .agency domains
IDN language
.AI Template to order .ai domains
IDN language
.AIRFORCE Template to order .airforce domains
IDN language
.AL Template to order .al domains
VAT Number
.AMSTERDAM Template to order .amsterdam domains
Legal form
.APARTMENTS Template to order .apartments domains
IDN language
.APP.BR Template to order domains
admin state
Registrant identity identification
owner state
technical state
.ARCHI Template to order .archi domains
IDN language
.ARMY Template to order .army domains
IDN language
.ART Template to order .art domains
IDN language
.ASIA Template to order .asia domains
.ASN.AU Template to order domains
ID Document in base64
.ASSOCIATES Template to order .associates domains
IDN language
.ATTORNEY Template to order .attorney domains
IDN language
Relevant Regulator
.AU Template to order .au domains
ID Document in base64
.AUCTION Template to order .auction domains
IDN language
.AUDIO Template to order .audio domains
IDN language
.AUTO Template to order .auto domains
IDN language
.AUTOS Template to order .autos domains
IDN language
.BA Template to order .ba domains
.BABY Template to order .baby domains
IDN language
.BAND Template to order .band domains
IDN language
.BAR Template to order .bar domains
IDN language
.BARCELONA Template to order .barcelona domains
IDN language
.BARGAINS Template to order .bargains domains
IDN language
.BAYERN Template to order .bayern domains
IDN language
.BEAUTY Template to order .beauty domains
IDN language
.BEST Template to order .best domains
IDN language
.BET Template to order .bet domains
IDN language
.BG Template to order .bg domains
Company registration Number
Registrant's ID Card or Passport number
.BI Template to order .bi domains
VAT Number
.BIKE Template to order .bike domains
IDN language
.BINGO Template to order .bingo domains
IDN language
.BIO Template to order .bio domains
IDN language
.BIZ Template to order .biz domains
IDN language
.BIZ.FJ Template to order domains
VAT Number
.BIZ.MM Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.BIZ.TR Template to order domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.BIZ.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.BJ.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.BLACK Template to order .black domains
IDN language
.BLOG Template to order .blog domains
IDN language
.BLUE Template to order .blue domains
IDN language
.BM Template to order .bm domains
VAT Number
.BOATS Template to order .boats domains
IDN language
.BOND Template to order .bond domains
IDN language
.BOUTIQUE Template to order .boutique domains
IDN language
.BR.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.BROKER Template to order .broker domains
IDN language
.BT Template to order .bt domains
Registrant's company number
Identity identification in base 64
Registrant's ID Card number
VAT Number
.BUILD Template to order .build domains
IDN language
.BUILDERS Template to order .builders domains
IDN language
.BUSINESS Template to order .business domains
IDN language
.BY Template to order .by domains
Registrant's ID Card / Personal number OR VAT / CRC number
Registrant's passport isue date
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
.BZ Template to order .bz domains
IDN language
.BZ.IT Template to order domains
Admin Province code (if italian)
Entity type
World Intellectual Property Organization
Owner Province code (if italian)
Organisation's contact registration code
Tech Province code (if italian)
.CA Template to order .ca domains
Province of the administrator
Province of the billing
Approve the .CA domains CIRA agreement
Registrant legal type
Province of the owner
Province of the technical
Trademark Number
.CAB Template to order .cab domains
IDN language
.CAFE Template to order .cafe domains
IDN language
.CAM Template to order .cam domains
IDN language
.CAMERA Template to order .camera domains
IDN language
.CAMP Template to order .camp domains
IDN language
.CAPITAL Template to order .capital domains
IDN language
.CAR Template to order .car domains
IDN language
.CARDS Template to order .cards domains
IDN language
.CARE Template to order .care domains
IDN language
.CAREER Template to order .career domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.CAREERS Template to order .careers domains
IDN language
.CARS Template to order .cars domains
IDN language
.CASA Template to order .casa domains
IDN language
.CASE Template to order .case domains
IDN language
.CASH Template to order .cash domains
IDN language
.CASINO Template to order .casino domains
IDN language
.CAT Template to order .cat domains
.CATERING Template to order .catering domains
IDN language
.CC Template to order .cc domains
IDN language
.CENTER Template to order .center domains
IDN language
.CEO Template to order .ceo domains
IDN language
.CFD Template to order .cfd domains
IDN language
.CG Template to order .cg domains
VAT Number
.CHAT Template to order .chat domains
IDN language
.CHEAP Template to order .cheap domains
IDN language
.CHRISTMAS Template to order .christmas domains
IDN language
.CHURCH Template to order .church domains
IDN language
.CITY Template to order .city domains
IDN language
.CLAIMS Template to order .claims domains
IDN language
.CLEANING Template to order .cleaning domains
IDN language
.CLICK Template to order .click domains
IDN language
.CLINIC Template to order .clinic domains
IDN language
.CLOTHING Template to order .clothing domains
IDN language
.CLOUD Template to order .cloud domains
IDN language
.CN Template to order .cn domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.CN.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.CO Template to order .co domains
IDN language
.CO.AG Template to order domains
IDN language
.CO.CR Template to order domains
Registrant identity identification
.CO.HU Template to order domains
IDentification document in base 64
Registrant's ID Card Number
Trademark Number
.CO.ID Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.CO.IR Template to order domains
Registrant's passport country
Registrant's passport issuing office
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's Registration Number
Registrant's Registration Type
.CO.IT Template to order domains
Admin Province code (if italian)
Entity type
World Intellectual Property Organization
Owner Province code (if italian)
Organisation's contact registration code
Tech Province code (if italian)
.CO.JP Template to order domains
Toukibotouhon certificate in base 64
VAT Number
.CO.KR Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.CO.LC Template to order domains
IDN language
.CO.LS Template to order domains
VAT Number
.CO.NA Template to order domains
VAT Number
.CO.OM Template to order domains
Identity identification in base 64
.CO.RS Template to order domains
Registrant's Identification Number
Registrant's Identification Number Type: company (vat or reg), individual (ctz)
.CO.RW Template to order domains
VAT Number
.CO.UG Template to order domains
VAT Number
.CO.UK Template to order domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.CO.UZ Template to order domains
Registrant ID Number
.COACH Template to order .coach domains
IDN language
.CODES Template to order .codes domains
IDN language
.COFFEE Template to order .coffee domains
IDN language
.COLLEGE Template to order .college domains
IDN language
.COM Template to order .com domains
IDN language
.COM.AG Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.AI Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.AL Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.AU Template to order domains
ID Document in base64
.COM.BB Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.BM Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.BR Template to order domains
admin state
Registrant identity identification
owner state
technical state
.COM.BY Template to order domains
Registrant's ID Card / Personal number OR VAT / CRC number
Registrant's passport isue date
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
.COM.BZ Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.COM.CO Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.CY Template to order domains
Company ID
Identity identification in base 64
ID Card Number
.COM.DE Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.EC Template to order domains
Registrant identity identification
.COM.EE Template to order domains
Administrative contact Country Code
Date of birth of the Administrative contact
Administrative Identity type document
Registrant Country Code
Registrant Company number
Registrant identity type document
Technical contact Country Code
Technical Identity number
Technical Identity type document
.COM.ES Template to order domains
Administrative Identity number
Owner Identity number
Technical Identity number
.COM.FJ Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.GE Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.GP Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.HK Template to order domains
Business registration certificate in base 64
Individual Identification number
Individual Identification document Country Code
Document Type (HKID=>HongKong ID; OTHID=>Other Country ID;PASSNO=>Passport;BIRTHCERT=> Birth Certificate;OTHIDV=>Other doc)
Registrant industry type
Other individual Identification document (if OTHIDV)
Registrant is over 18 years of age (0/1)
.COM.KG Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.LB Template to order domains
TradeMark identification in base 64
.COM.LC Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.LK Template to order domains
Registrant ID Number
.COM.LV Template to order domains
Registrant's company registration number
.COM.MK Template to order domains
.COM.MM Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.COM.MT Template to order domains
Registrant VAT number
.COM.MX Template to order domains
State of administrator contact
State of the billing contact
State of the owner contact
State of the technical contact
.COM.MY Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.COM.NA Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.OM Template to order domains
Identity identification in base 64
.COM.PA Template to order domains
Registrant identity identification
.COM.PK Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.COM.PR Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.PT Template to order domains
Identification (1-20 characters)
.COM.RO Template to order domains
Registrant's identity card number
State/Province for registrant contact
.COM.RU Template to order domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.COM.SA Template to order domains
VAT Number
.COM.SC Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.SG Template to order domains
Singapore Personal Access ID of administrative contact
Registrant company number
Registrant passport number
.COM.TR Template to order domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.COM.UZ Template to order domains
Registrant ID Number
.COM.VC Template to order domains
IDN language
.COM.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.COMMUNITY Template to order .community domains
IDN language
.COMPANY Template to order .company domains
IDN language
.COMPUTER Template to order .computer domains
IDN language
.CONDOS Template to order .condos domains
IDN language
.CONSTRUCTION Template to order .construction domains
IDN language
.CONSULTING Template to order .consulting domains
IDN language
.CONTACT Template to order .contact domains
IDN language
.CONTRACTORS Template to order .contractors domains
IDN language
.COOL Template to order .cool domains
IDN language
.COOP Template to order .coop domains
IDN language
.COUNTRY Template to order .country domains
IDN language
.COUPONS Template to order .coupons domains
IDN language
.CR Template to order .cr domains
Registrant identity identification
.CREDIT Template to order .credit domains
IDN language
.CREDITCARD Template to order .creditcard domains
IDN language
.CRUISES Template to order .cruises domains
IDN language
.CY Template to order .cy domains
Company ID
Identity identification in base 64
ID Card Number
.CYMRU Template to order .cymru domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.CYOU Template to order .cyou domains
IDN language
.CZ Template to order .cz domains
.DANCE Template to order .dance domains
IDN language
.DATING Template to order .dating domains
IDN language
.DE.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.DEALER Template to order .dealer domains
IDN language
.DEALS Template to order .deals domains
IDN language
.DEGREE Template to order .degree domains
IDN language
.DELIVERY Template to order .delivery domains
IDN language
.DEMOCRAT Template to order .democrat domains
IDN language
.DENTAL Template to order .dental domains
IDN language
.DENTIST Template to order .dentist domains
IDN language
.DESI Template to order .desi domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.DIAMONDS Template to order .diamonds domains
IDN language
.DIET Template to order .diet domains
IDN language
.DIGITAL Template to order .digital domains
IDN language
.DIRECT Template to order .direct domains
IDN language
.DIRECTORY Template to order .directory domains
IDN language
.DISCOUNT Template to order .discount domains
IDN language
.DIY Template to order .diy domains
IDN language
.DJ Template to order .dj domains
VAT Number
.DK Template to order .dk domains
Registrant handle ID
Registrant's Registration Number
Use your contact handles ?
.DOCTOR Template to order .doctor domains
IDN language
.DOG Template to order .dog domains
IDN language
.DOMAINS Template to order .domains domains
IDN language
.DPML.ZONE Template to order domains
IDN language
.EC Template to order .ec domains
Registrant identity identification
.ECO Template to order .eco domains
.ECO.BR Template to order domains
admin state
Registrant identity identification
owner state
technical state
.EDU.ES Template to order domains
Administrative Identity number
Owner Identity number
Technical Identity number
.EDU.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.EDUCATION Template to order .education domains
IDN language
.EE Template to order .ee domains
Administrative contact Country Code
Date of birth of the Administrative contact
Administrative Identity type document
Registrant Country Code
Registrant Company number
Registrant identity type document
Technical contact Country Code
Technical Identity number
Technical Identity type document
.EMAIL Template to order .email domains
IDN language
.ENERGY Template to order .energy domains
IDN language
.ENGINEER Template to order .engineer domains
IDN language
.ENGINEERING Template to order .engineering domains
IDN language
.ENTERPRISES Template to order .enterprises domains
IDN language
.EQUIPMENT Template to order .equipment domains
IDN language
.ES Template to order .es domains
Administrative Identity number
Owner Identity number
Technical Identity number
.ESTATE Template to order .estate domains
IDN language
.EU Template to order .eu domains
.EU.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.EUS Template to order .eus domains
IDN language
.EVENTS Template to order .events domains
IDN language
.EXCHANGE Template to order .exchange domains
IDN language
.EXPERT Template to order .expert domains
IDN language
.EXPOSED Template to order .exposed domains
IDN language
.EXPRESS Template to order .express domains
IDN language
.FAIL Template to order .fail domains
IDN language
.FAMILY Template to order .family domains
IDN language
.FAN Template to order .fan domains
IDN language
.FANS Template to order .fans domains
IDN language
.FAR.BR Template to order domains
admin state
Registrant identity identification
owner state
technical state
.FARM Template to order .farm domains
IDN language
.FEEDBACK Template to order .feedback domains
IDN language
.FI Template to order .fi domains
Administrative contact types
Registrant birthdate
Registrant register number
Is registrant contact finnish ?
Registrant contact types
Technical contact types
.FINANCE Template to order .finance domains
IDN language
.FINANCIAL Template to order .financial domains
IDN language
.FISH Template to order .fish domains
IDN language
.FITNESS Template to order .fitness domains
IDN language
.FLIGHTS Template to order .flights domains
IDN language
.FLORIST Template to order .florist domains
IDN language
.FLOWERS Template to order .flowers domains
IDN language
.FOOD Template to order .food domains
IDN language
.FOOTBALL Template to order .football domains
IDN language
.FOREX Template to order .forex domains
IDN language
.FORSALE Template to order .forsale domains
IDN language
.FORUM Template to order .forum domains
IDN language
.FUN Template to order .fun domains
IDN language
.FUND Template to order .fund domains
IDN language
.FURNITURE Template to order .furniture domains
IDN language
.FUTBOL Template to order .futbol domains
IDN language
.FYI Template to order .fyi domains
IDN language
.GAL Template to order .gal domains
IDN language
.GALLERY Template to order .gallery domains
IDN language
.GAME Template to order .game domains
IDN language
.GAMES Template to order .games domains
IDN language
.GB.NET Template to order domains
IDN language
.GD.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.GE Template to order .ge domains
VAT Number
.GEN.TR Template to order domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.GENT Template to order .gent domains
IDN language
.GIFT Template to order .gift domains
IDN language
.GIFTS Template to order .gifts domains
IDN language
.GLASS Template to order .glass domains
IDN language
.GLOBAL Template to order .global domains
IDN language
.GM Template to order .gm domains
VAT Number
.GMBH Template to order .gmbh domains
IDN language
.GOB.ES Template to order domains
Administrative Identity number
Owner Identity number
Technical Identity number
.GOLD Template to order .gold domains
IDN language
.GOLF Template to order .golf domains
IDN language
.GP Template to order .gp domains
VAT Number
.GR.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.GRAPHICS Template to order .graphics domains
IDN language
.GRATIS Template to order .gratis domains
IDN language
.GREEN Template to order .green domains
IDN language
.GRIPE Template to order .gripe domains
IDN language
.GROUP Template to order .group domains
IDN language
.GUIDE Template to order .guide domains
IDN language
.GUITARS Template to order .guitars domains
IDN language
.GURU Template to order .guru domains
IDN language
.GZ.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.HAIR Template to order .hair domains
IDN language
.HAUS Template to order .haus domains
IDN language
.HEALTH.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.HEALTHCARE Template to order .healthcare domains
IDN language
.HELP Template to order .help domains
IDN language
.HIPHOP Template to order .hiphop domains
IDN language
.HIV Template to order .hiv domains
IDN language
.HK Template to order .hk domains
Individual Identification number
Individual Identification document Country Code
Document Type (HKID=>HongKong ID; OTHID=>Other Country ID;PASSNO=>Passport;BIRTHCERT=> Birth Certificate;OTHIDV=>Other doc)
Registrant industry type
Other individual Identification document (if OTHIDV)
Registrant is over 18 years of age (0/1)
.HK.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.HM Template to order .hm domains
VAT Number
.HOCKEY Template to order .hockey domains
IDN language
.HOLDINGS Template to order .holdings domains
IDN language
.HOLIDAY Template to order .holiday domains
IDN language
.HOMES Template to order .homes domains
IDN language
.HOSPITAL Template to order .hospital domains
IDN language
.HOST Template to order .host domains
IDN language
.HOSTING Template to order .hosting domains
IDN language
.HOUSE Template to order .house domains
IDN language
.HR Template to order .hr domains
Registrant's VAT or OIB number
.HU Template to order .hu domains
IDentification document in base 64
Registrant's ID Card Number
Trademark Number
.ICU Template to order .icu domains
IDN language
.ID Template to order .id domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.ID.AU Template to order domains
ID Document in base64
.IE Template to order .ie domains
County/state for admin contact
County/state for owner contact
County/state for tech contact
.IMMO Template to order .immo domains
IDN language
.IMMOBILIEN Template to order .immobilien domains
IDN language
.INC Template to order .inc domains
IDN language
.INDUSTRIES Template to order .industries domains
IDN language
.INFO Template to order .info domains
IDN language
.INFO.EC Template to order domains
Registrant identity identification
.INFO.FJ Template to order domains
VAT Number
.INFO.RO Template to order domains
Registrant's identity card number
State/Province for registrant contact
.INFO.TR Template to order domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.INFO.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.INSTITUTE Template to order .institute domains
IDN language
.INSURE Template to order .insure domains
IDN language
.INT.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.INTERNATIONAL Template to order .international domains
IDN language
.INVESTMENTS Template to order .investments domains
IDN language
.IO Template to order .io domains
IDN language
.IR Template to order .ir domains
Registrant's passport country
Registrant's passport issuing office
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's Registration Number
Registrant's Registration Type
.IRISH Template to order .irish domains
IDN language
.IS Template to order .is domains
Registrant handle ID
Use your contact handles ?
.IST Template to order .ist domains
IDN language
.ISTANBUL Template to order .istanbul domains
IDN language
.IT Template to order .it domains
Admin Province code (if italian)
Entity type
World Intellectual Property Organization
Owner Province code (if italian)
Organisation's contact registration code
Tech Province code (if italian)
.JETZT Template to order .jetzt domains
IDN language
.JEWELRY Template to order .jewelry domains
IDN language
.JOBS Template to order .jobs domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.JP Template to order .jp domains
State of administrator contact
State of the billing contact
State of the owner contact
State of the technical contact
.JPN.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.JUEGOS Template to order .juegos domains
IDN language
.KAUFEN Template to order .kaufen domains
IDN language
.KG Template to order .kg domains
VAT Number
.KIDS Template to order .kids domains
IDN language
.KIM Template to order .kim domains
IDN language
.KITCHEN Template to order .kitchen domains
IDN language
.KIWI Template to order .kiwi domains
.KR Template to order .kr domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.KYOTO Template to order .kyoto domains
IDN Language
.KZ Template to order .kz domains
VAT Number
.LAND Template to order .land domains
IDN language
.LAWYER Template to order .lawyer domains
IDN language
Relevant Regulator
.LC Template to order .lc domains
IDN language
.LEASE Template to order .lease domains
IDN language
.LEGAL Template to order .legal domains
IDN language
.LGBT Template to order .lgbt domains
IDN language
.LIDL Template to order .lidl domains
IDN language
.LIFE Template to order .life domains
IDN language
.LIFESTYLE Template to order .lifestyle domains
IDN language
.LIGHTING Template to order .lighting domains
IDN language
.LIMITED Template to order .limited domains
IDN language
.LIMO Template to order .limo domains
IDN language
.LINK Template to order .link domains
IDN language
.LIVE Template to order .live domains
IDN language
.LIVING Template to order .living domains
IDN language
.LK Template to order .lk domains
Registrant ID Number
.LLC Template to order .llc domains
IDN language
.LOANS Template to order .loans domains
IDN language
.LOL Template to order .lol domains
IDN language
.LONDON Template to order .london domains
IDN language
.LOVE Template to order .love domains
IDN language
.LT Template to order .lt domains
.LTD Template to order .ltd domains
IDN language
.LTD.UK Template to order domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.LUXURY Template to order .luxury domains
IDN language
.LV Template to order .lv domains
Registrant's company registration number
.MADRID Template to order .madrid domains
.MAISON Template to order .maison domains
IDN language
.MAKEUP Template to order .makeup domains
IDN language
.MANAGEMENT Template to order .management domains
IDN language
.MARKET Template to order .market domains
IDN language
.MARKETING Template to order .marketing domains
IDN language
.MARKETS Template to order .markets domains
IDN language
.MBA Template to order .mba domains
IDN language
.MC Template to order .mc domains
VAT Number
.ME Template to order .me domains
.ME.UK Template to order domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.MED.BR Template to order domains
admin state
Registrant identity identification
owner state
Registrant's VAT or passport number
technical state
.MEDIA Template to order .media domains
IDN language
.MEMORIAL Template to order .memorial domains
IDN language
.MEO Template to order .meo domains
IDN language
.MIAMI Template to order .miami domains
IDN language
.MK Template to order .mk domains
.MN Template to order .mn domains
IDN language
.MOBI Template to order .mobi domains
IDN language
.MODA Template to order .moda domains
IDN language
.MOM Template to order .mom domains
IDN language
.MONEY Template to order .money domains
IDN language
.MONSTER Template to order .monster domains
IDN language
.MORTGAGE Template to order .mortgage domains
IDN language
.MOTORCYCLES Template to order .motorcycles domains
IDN language
.MOVIE Template to order .movie domains
IDN language
.MSK.RU Template to order domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.MT Template to order .mt domains
Registrant VAT number
.MUSIC Template to order .music domains
Acknowledge registry registration terms and conditions
IDN language
.MW Template to order .mw domains
VAT Number
.MX Template to order .mx domains
State of administrator contact
State of the billing contact
State of the owner contact
State of the technical contact
.MY Template to order .my domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.NA Template to order .na domains
VAT Number
.NAME.FJ Template to order domains
VAT Number
.NAME.TR Template to order domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.NAME.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.NAVY Template to order .navy domains
IDN language
.NET Template to order .net domains
IDN language
.NET.AG Template to order domains
IDN language
.NET.AI Template to order domains
IDN language
.NET.AL Template to order domains
VAT Number
.NET.AU Template to order domains
ID Document in base64
.NET.BB Template to order domains
VAT Number
.NET.BM Template to order domains
VAT Number
.NET.BR Template to order domains
admin state
Registrant identity identification
owner state
Registrant's VAT or passport number
technical state
.NET.BZ Template to order domains
IDN language
.NET.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.NET.CO Template to order domains
IDN language
.NET.FJ Template to order domains
VAT Number
.NET.GP Template to order domains
VAT Number
.NET.ID Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.NET.LC Template to order domains
IDN language
.NET.LV Template to order domains
Registrant's company registration number
.NET.MY Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.NET.PR Template to order domains
IDN language
.NET.RU Template to order domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.NET.TR Template to order domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.NET.VC Template to order domains
IDN language
.NET.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.NETWORK Template to order .network domains
IDN language
.NEWS Template to order .news domains
IDN language
.NINJA Template to order .ninja domains
IDN language
.NL Template to order .nl domains
Legal form
.NO Template to order .no domains
Organization number
.NOM.AG Template to order domains
IDN language
.NOM.ES Template to order domains
Administrative Identity number
Owner Identity number
Technical Identity number
.NRW Template to order .nrw domains
IDN language
.NU Template to order .nu domains
Registrant's company number
.OBSERVER Template to order .observer domains
IDN language
.OFF.AI Template to order domains
IDN language
.ONL Template to order .onl domains
IDN language
.ONLINE Template to order .online domains
IDN language
.OOO Template to order .ooo domains
IDN language
.OR.KR Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.ORG Template to order .org domains
IDN language
.ORG.AG Template to order domains
IDN language
.ORG.AI Template to order domains
IDN language
.ORG.AL Template to order domains
VAT Number
.ORG.AU Template to order domains
ID Document in base64
.ORG.BB Template to order domains
VAT Number
.ORG.BM Template to order domains
VAT Number
.ORG.BR Template to order domains
admin state
Registrant identity identification
owner state
Registrant identity identification
technical state
.ORG.BZ Template to order domains
IDN language
.ORG.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.ORG.ES Template to order domains
Administrative Identity number
Owner Identity number
Technical Identity number
.ORG.FJ Template to order domains
VAT Number
.ORG.HU Template to order domains
IDentification document in base 64
Registrant's ID Card Number
Trademark Number
.ORG.LC Template to order domains
IDN language
.ORG.LS Template to order domains
VAT Number
.ORG.LV Template to order domains
Registrant's company registration number
.ORG.MT Template to order domains
Registrant VAT number
.ORG.NA Template to order domains
VAT Number
.ORG.PR Template to order domains
IDN language
.ORG.PT Template to order domains
Identification (1-20 characters)
.ORG.RU Template to order domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.ORG.TR Template to order domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.ORG.UK Template to order domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.ORG.VC Template to order domains
IDN language
.ORG.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.ORGANIC Template to order .organic domains
IDN language
.PA Template to order .pa domains
Registrant's VAT or passport number
.PARTNERS Template to order .partners domains
IDN language
.PARTS Template to order .parts domains
IDN language
.PET Template to order .pet domains
IDN language
.PHOTOGRAPHY Template to order .photography domains
IDN language
.PHOTOS Template to order .photos domains
IDN language
.PICS Template to order .pics domains
IDN language
.PICTURES Template to order .pictures domains
IDN language
.PINK Template to order .pink domains
IDN language
.PIZZA Template to order .pizza domains
IDN language
.PK Template to order .pk domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.PLACE Template to order .place domains
IDN language
.PLC.UK Template to order domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.PLUMBING Template to order .plumbing domains
IDN language
.PLUS Template to order .plus domains
IDN language
.PLUS.DPML.ZONE Template to order domains
IDN language
.POKER Template to order .poker domains
IDN language
.PR Template to order .pr domains
IDN language
.PRESS Template to order .press domains
IDN language
.PRO Template to order .pro domains
IDN language
.PRO.FJ Template to order domains
VAT Number
.PRO.VN Template to order domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.PRODUCTIONS Template to order .productions domains
IDN language
.PROMO Template to order .promo domains
IDN language
.PROPERTIES Template to order .properties domains
IDN language
.PROPERTY Template to order .property domains
IDN language
.PROTECTION Template to order .protection domains
IDN language
.PS Template to order .ps domains
VAT Number
.PT Template to order .pt domains
Identification (1-20 characters)
.PUB Template to order .pub domains
IDN language
.PW Template to order .pw domains
IDN language
.QA Template to order .qa domains
VAT Number
.QPON Template to order .qpon domains
IDN language
.QUEBEC Template to order .quebec domains
IDN language
.QUEST Template to order .quest domains
IDN language
.RADIO Template to order .radio domains
.REALESTATE Template to order .realestate domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.REALTY Template to order .realty domains
IDN language
.RECIPES Template to order .recipes domains
IDN language
.RED Template to order .red domains
IDN language
.REHAB Template to order .rehab domains
IDN language
.REISE Template to order .reise domains
IDN language
.REISEN Template to order .reisen domains
IDN language
.RENT Template to order .rent domains
IDN language
.RENTALS Template to order .rentals domains
IDN language
.REPAIR Template to order .repair domains
IDN language
.REPORT Template to order .report domains
IDN language
.REPUBLICAN Template to order .republican domains
IDN language
.REST Template to order .rest domains
IDN language
.RESTAURANT Template to order .restaurant domains
IDN language
.REVIEWS Template to order .reviews domains
IDN language
.RICH Template to order .rich domains
IDN language
.RIP Template to order .rip domains
IDN language
.RO Template to order .ro domains
Registrant's identity card number
State/Province for registrant contact
.ROCKS Template to order .rocks domains
IDN language
.RS Template to order .rs domains
Registrant's Identification Number
Registrant's Identification Number Type: company (vat or reg), individual (ctz)
.RU Template to order .ru domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.RU.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.RUHR Template to order .ruhr domains
IDN language
.RUN Template to order .run domains
IDN language
.RW Template to order .rw domains
VAT Number
.SA Template to order .sa domains
VAT Number
.SA.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.SAARLAND Template to order .saarland domains
IDN language
.SALE Template to order .sale domains
IDN language
.SALON Template to order .salon domains
IDN language
.SAPO Template to order .sapo domains
IDN language
.SARL Template to order .sarl domains
IDN language
.SBS Template to order .sbs domains
IDN language
.SC Template to order .sc domains
IDN language
.SCHOOL Template to order .school domains
IDN language
.SCHULE Template to order .schule domains
IDN language
.SCHWARZ Template to order .schwarz domains
IDN language
.SCOT Template to order .scot domains
IDN language
.SE Template to order .se domains
Registrant's company number
.SE.NET Template to order domains
IDN language
.SECURITY Template to order .security domains
IDN language
.SERVICES Template to order .services domains
IDN language
.SEXY Template to order .sexy domains
IDN language
.SG Template to order .sg domains
Singapore Personal Access ID of administrative contact
Registrant company number
Registrant passport number
.SH Template to order .sh domains
IDN language
.SH.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.SHIKSHA Template to order .shiksha domains
IDN language
.SHOES Template to order .shoes domains
IDN language
.SHOP Template to order .shop domains
IDN language
.SHOPPING Template to order .shopping domains
IDN language
.SHOW Template to order .show domains
IDN language
.SINGLES Template to order .singles domains
IDN language
.SITE Template to order .site domains
IDN language
.SK Template to order .sk domains
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant register number
.SKI Template to order .ski domains
IDN language
.SKIN Template to order .skin domains
IDN language
.SOCCER Template to order .soccer domains
IDN language
.SOCIAL Template to order .social domains
IDN language
.SOFTWARE Template to order .software domains
IDN language
.SOLAR Template to order .solar domains
IDN language
.SOLUTIONS Template to order .solutions domains
IDN language
.SPA Template to order .spa domains
IDN language
.SPACE Template to order .space domains
IDN language
.SPB.RU Template to order domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.SPORT Template to order .sport domains
.ST Template to order .st domains
VAT Number
.STORAGE Template to order .storage domains
IDN language
.STORE Template to order .store domains
IDN language
.STUDIO Template to order .studio domains
IDN language
.STYLE Template to order .style domains
IDN language
.SU Template to order .su domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.SUPPLIES Template to order .supplies domains
IDN language
.SUPPLY Template to order .supply domains
IDN language
.SUPPORT Template to order .support domains
IDN language
.SURGERY Template to order .surgery domains
IDN language
.SWISS Template to order .swiss domains
IDN language
.SX Template to order .sx domains
.SYSTEMS Template to order .systems domains
IDN language
.TAX Template to order .tax domains
IDN language
.TAXI Template to order .taxi domains
IDN language
.TEAM Template to order .team domains
IDN language
.TECH Template to order .tech domains
IDN language
.TECHNOLOGY Template to order .technology domains
IDN language
.TEL Template to order .tel domains
IDN language
Whois type (Legal, Natural)
.TENNIS Template to order .tennis domains
IDN language
.THEATER Template to order .theater domains
IDN language
.THEATRE Template to order .theatre domains
IDN language
.TICKETS Template to order .tickets domains
IDN language
.TIENDA Template to order .tienda domains
IDN language
.TIPS Template to order .tips domains
IDN language
.TIRES Template to order .tires domains
IDN language
.TK Template to order .tk domains
VAT Number
.TO Template to order .to domains
VAT Number
.TODAY Template to order .today domains
IDN language
.TOOLS Template to order .tools domains
IDN language
.TOURS Template to order .tours domains
IDN language
.TOWN Template to order .town domains
IDN language
.TOYS Template to order .toys domains
IDN language
.TR Template to order .tr domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.TRADING Template to order .trading domains
IDN language
.TRAINING Template to order .training domains
IDN language
.TRAVEL Template to order .travel domains
IDN language
.TV.BR Template to order domains
admin state
Registrant identity identification
owner state
technical state
.TV.IT Template to order domains
Admin Province code (if italian)
Entity type
World Intellectual Property Organization
Owner Province code (if italian)
Organisation's contact registration code
Tech Province code (if italian)
.TW.CN Template to order domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.UG Template to order .ug domains
VAT Number
.UK Template to order .uk domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.UK.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.UK.NET Template to order domains
IDN language
.UNIVERSITY Template to order .university domains
IDN language
.UNO Template to order .uno domains
IDN language
.US Template to order .us domains
Purpose for organizational contact
Category of the individual contact
.US.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.US.ORG Template to order domains
IDN language
.VACATIONS Template to order .vacations domains
IDN language
.VC Template to order .vc domains
IDN language
.VEGAS Template to order .vegas domains
IDN language
.VENTURES Template to order .ventures domains
IDN language
.VET Template to order .vet domains
IDN language
Relevant Regulator
.VIAJES Template to order .viajes domains
IDN language
.VIDEO Template to order .video domains
IDN language
.VILLAS Template to order .villas domains
IDN language
.VIN Template to order .vin domains
IDN language
.VIP Template to order .vip domains
IDN language
.VISION Template to order .vision domains
IDN language
.VN Template to order .vn domains
Administrative contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Administrative contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Administrative contact Gender
Admin Identity
Billing contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Billing birthdate
Billing gender
Billing Identity
Registrant contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Registrant contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Registrant contact Gender
Company Registration Number
Company name
Company type (INC, LTD, SARL, GMBH ....)
Technical contact Identification or Passport Number (between 2 and 50 characters)
Technical contact birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
Technical contact Gender
Tech Identity
.VOTE Template to order .vote domains
IDN language
.VOTO Template to order .voto domains
IDN language
.VOYAGE Template to order .voyage domains
IDN language
.VU Template to order .vu domains
VAT Number
.WALES Template to order .wales domains
Company registration Number
Company Type
.WATCH Template to order .watch domains
IDN language
.WATCHES Template to order .watches domains
IDN language
.WEB.ID Template to order domains
Registrant's VAT company number
.WEB.TR Template to order domains
Company registration number
Identification Number
.WEBSITE Template to order .website domains
IDN language
.WINE Template to order .wine domains
IDN language
.WORKS Template to order .works domains
IDN language
.WORLD Template to order .world domains
IDN language
.WTF Template to order .wtf domains
IDN language
.XN--3DS443G Template to order .xn--3ds443g domains
IDN language
.XN--3E0B707E Template to order .xn--3e0b707e domains
Company Number (ABN, ACN)
.XN--5TZM5G Template to order .xn--5tzm5g domains
IDN language
.XN--6FRZ82G Template to order .xn--6frz82g domains
IDN language
.XN--80AO21A Template to order .xn--80ao21a domains
VAT Number
.XN--80ASEHDB Template to order .xn--80asehdb domains
IDN language
.XN--80ASWG Template to order .xn--80aswg domains
IDN language
.XN--90A3AC Template to order .xn--90a3ac domains
Registrant's Identification Number
Registrant's Identification Number Type: company (vat or reg), individual (ctz)
.XN--9DBQ2A Template to order .xn--9dbq2a domains
IDN language
.XN--C1AVG Template to order .xn--c1avg domains
IDN language
.XN--CZRS0T Template to order .xn--czrs0t domains
IDN language
.XN--E1A4C Template to order .xn--e1a4c domains
.XN--FIQ228C5HS Template to order .xn--fiq228c5hs domains
IDN language
.XN--FIQS8S Template to order .xn--fiqs8s domains
Identification Document (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
Identification Document of company (Company registration certificate) for organizational contact
Identification Number for organizational contact
Type of Identification Number for organizational contact (YYZZ, ORG, SFZ, JGZ, HZ or QT))
Identification Number (Id-Card OR Passport) for organizational contact
.XN--FJQ720A Template to order .xn--fjq720a domains
IDN language
.XN--I1B6B1A6A2E Template to order .xn--i1b6b1a6a2e domains
IDN language
.XN--J6W193G Template to order .xn--j6w193g domains
Individual Identification number
Individual Identification document Country Code
Document Type (HKID=>HongKong ID; OTHID=>Other Country ID;PASSNO=>Passport;BIRTHCERT=> Birth Certificate;OTHIDV=>Other doc)
Registrant industry type
Other individual Identification document (if OTHIDV)
Registrant is over 18 years of age (0/1)
.XN--MK1BU44C Template to order .xn--mk1bu44c domains
IDN language
.XN--NGBC5AZD Template to order .xn--ngbc5azd domains
IDN language
.XN--NQV7F Template to order .xn--nqv7f domains
IDN language
.XN--P1ACF Template to order .xn--p1acf domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.XN--P1AI Template to order .xn--p1ai domains
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Code TIN (taxpayer-s identification number - ten digit number)
Registrant's company legal form
KPP (nine digit number)
Registrant's passport issuer
Registrant's passport number
Registrant's passport type
Registrant's passport validation date (DD/MM/YYYY)
.XN--QXA6A Template to order .xn--qxa6a domains
.XN--T60B56A Template to order .xn--t60b56a domains
IDN language
.XN--TCKWE Template to order .xn--tckwe domains
IDN language
.XN--UNUP4Y Template to order .xn--unup4y domains
IDN language
.XN--VHQUV Template to order .xn--vhquv domains
IDN language
.XXX Template to order .xxx domains
Email contact
Name contact
Membership identification
Membership choice
.XYZ Template to order .xyz domains
IDN language
.YACHTS Template to order .yachts domains
IDN language
.ZA.COM Template to order domains
IDN language
.ZONE Template to order .zone domains
IDN language
.ZUERICH Template to order .zuerich domains
IDN language