XML Template for ee domains
XML Template for ee domains
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<domain:year>#SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD#</domain:year>
<domain:renewal>#RENEWAL MODE#</domain:renewal>
<domain:folderid>#DOMAIN FOLDERID#</domain:folderid>
<nameserverprofile:id>#NAMESERVER PROFILEID#</nameserverprofile:id>
<zoneprofile:id>#ZONE PROFILEID#</zoneprofile:id>
<nameserver:fqdn>#FULLY QUALIFIED DOMAIN NAME#</nameserver:fqdn>
<nameserver:ipaddr>#IP ADDRESS#</nameserver:ipaddr>
<contact:contactprofileid>#CONTACT PROFILE ID#</contact:contactprofileid>
<contact:address1>#ADDRESS LINE 1#</contact:address1>
<contact:address2>#ADDRESS LINE 2#</contact:address2>
<contact:address3>#ADDRESS LINE 3#</contact:address3>
<contact:zipcode>#ZIP/POSTAL CODE#</contact:zipcode>
<contact:country_code>#COUNTRY CODE#</contact:country_code>
<contact:email>#EMAIL ADDRESS#</contact:email>
<contact:phone>#PHONE NUMBER#</contact:phone>
<contact:fax>#FAX NUMBER#</contact:fax>
<extension:noticeid>#NOTICE ID#</extension:noticeid>
<extension:lookupkey>#CLAIM KEY#</extension:lookupkey>
<extension:accepteddate>#ACCEPTED DATE#</extension:accepteddate>
<secdns:publickey>#PUBLIC KEY#</secdns:publickey>
<service:domainprivacy>#WHOIS PRIVACY#</service:domainprivacy>
<extension:data tld="ee">
<domain:create> (Occurrences: 1)
R | #DOMAIN.TLD# | Domain to be registered |
R | #SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD# | Number of years to register |
O | #RENEWAL MODE# | Domain renewal mode (autoexpire,autorenew) (Default: set as you specified in your user settings) |
O | #DOMAIN FOLDERID# | ID of the folder to put the domain into |
O | #NAMESERVER PROFILEID# | Use a nameserver profile instead of specifying the nameserver details |
O | #ZONE PROFILEID# | Set a zone profile to be applied on domain |
<nameserver:create> (Occurrences: 1-6)
Note: Repeat this section to specify multiple nameservers. Optional if nameserverprofile:id is provided
R | #PRIORITY# | Priority of the nameserver (0-5) |
R | #FULLY QUALIFIED DOMAIN NAME# | Fully qualified domain name of the nameserve |
R | #IP ADDRESS# | IPv4 address of the nameserver |
<contact:create> (Occurrences: 4)
Note: The four contacts admin, billing, tech, org have to be specified.
R | #TYPE# | admin, billing, tech, org |
O | #CONTACT PROFILE ID# | Use a contact profile instead of specifying the contact details |
R | #FIRSTNAME# | Firstname |
R | #LASTNAME# | Lastname |
O | #COMPANY# | Company |
R | #ADDRESS LINE 1# | Address, Line 1 |
O | #ADDRESS LINE 2# | Address, Line 2 |
O | #ADDRESS LINE 3# | Address, Line 3 |
R | #CITY# | City |
R | #ZIP/POSTAL CODE# | ZIP/Postal code |
R | #COUNTRY CODE# | Country code (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2) |
R | #EMAIL ADDRESS# | Email address |
R | #PHONE NUMBER# | Phone number format: +999999999. Starting with +country phone code |
O | #FAX NUMBER# | Phone number format: +999999999. Starting with +country phone code |
<extension:claims> (Occurrences: 0,1)
R | #NOTICE ID# | Notice id |
R | #CLAIM KEY# | Claim key of the domain |
R | #ACCEPTED DATE# | Client accepted date (Epoch Timestamp format) |
R | #IP# | Client IP address |
<extension:service> (Occurrences: 0,1)
R | #WHOIS PRIVACY# | Activate whois privacy on this domain (Yes/No) (Default: No) |
<extension:create> (Occurrences: 0,1)
<extension:secdns> (Occurrences: 0,1)
<extension:keydata> (Occurrences: 0,5)
Note: if you’re using DNSSEC, you will not be able to use EuroDNS name servers
R | #FLAG# | DNSKEY Flags Field (DNSKEY Flags list) |
R | #PROTOCOL# | DNSKEY Protocol Field (DNSKEY Protocol list) |
R | #ALGORITHM# | DNSKEY Algorithm Field (DNSKEY Algorithm list) |
R | #PUBLIC KEY# | DNSKEY Public Key Field. Base64 encoding of the Public Key |
R | #A_CC# | Administrative contact Country Code |
R | #A_IDENT# |
Date of birth of the Administrative contact Administrative identity number |
R | #A_IDENTTYPE# | Administrative Identity type document |
R | #CC# | Registrant Country Code |
R | #IDENT# |
Registrant identity number Registrant Company number Date of Birth of the Registrant |
Registrant identity type document Registrant identity type document |
R | #T_CC# | Technical contact Country Code |
R | #T_IDENT# |
Technical Identity number Technical company number Date of birth of the Technical contact |
Technical Identity type document Technical Identity type document |
The following XML code will be returned if the action was successful
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response xmlns="http://www.eurodns.com/">
<result code="1001">
<msg>Command completed successfully, action pending</msg>
<domain:name>#DOMAIN NAME#</domain:name>
<domain:roid>#DOMAIN ROID#</domain:roid>
<resData> (Occurrences: 1)
<domain:create> (Occurrences: 1)
R | #DOMAIN NAME# | Name of the domain that has been ordered |
R | #DOMAIN ROID# | Roid of the domain that has been ordered |
O | The element is optional and does not have to be specified in the request and/or answer |
R | The element is mandatory and has to specified in the request and/or answer |