
Set the renewal mode of a domain

You can use the following request to set the renewal mode of one of your domains. By default, domains are set as you have specified in your user settings. Domains that are set to autorenew will be automatically renewed by our system about two weeks before they expire. Domains that are set to autoexpire will be deleted if you do not explicitly request their renewal.

How can I define the renewal mode for my domains.

  • When you create a new domain, you can define the renewal mode by using a <domain:renewal> tag.
  • To change the renewal mode for an existing domain, you can use the request described on this page.

Please note that the renewal mode of domains that expire soonly cannot be changed.

XML Template - Set the renewal mode of a domain
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <request xmlns:ip="">
            <domain:renewal>#RENEWAL MODE#</domain:renewal>

<domain:setrenewalmode> (Occurrences: 1)

<domain:name> (Occurrences: 1)

R #DOMAIN.TLD# Name of the domain
R #RENEWAL PERIOD# [Domain renewal mode]() (autoexpire or autorenew)
If the action was successful, the following code will be returned:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <response xmlns="">
        <result code="1000">
            <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>


O The element is optional and does not have to be specified in the request and/or answer
R The element is mandatory and has to specified in the request and/or answer