
Obtaining additional information about a top-level domain

Not all top-level domains follow the same rules. For example, most have a minimum subscription period of one year. However, some require at least two years. For specific information about a top-level domain, use the following XML request.

XML Template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <request xmlns:tld="">

< tld:info > (Occurrences: 1)

< tld:name > (Occurrences: 1)

R #TLD# Top-level domain (COM for example)
The following code will be returned:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <response xmlns:tld="">
        <result code="1000">
            <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
            <tld:minSubPeriod>#MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD#</tld:minSubPeriod>
            <tld:incSubPeriod>#INCREMENT SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD#</tld:incSubPeriod>
            <tld:maxSubPeriod>#MAXIMUM SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD#</tld:maxSubPeriod>
            <tld:regDelay>#REGISTRATION DELAY#</tld:regDelay>
            <tld:minRenPeriod>#MINIMUM RENEW PERIOD#</tld:minRenPeriod>
            <tld:incRenPeriod>#INCREMENT RENEW PERIOD#</tld:incRenPeriod>
            <tld:maxRenPeriod>#MAXIMUM RENEW PERIOD#</tld:maxRenPeriod>
            <tld:dayRenBeforeExpiration>#RENEW BEFORE EXPIRATION#</tld:dayRenBeforeExpiration>
            <tld:minCharAllowed>#MINIMUM CHAR ALLOWED#</tld:minCharAllowed>
            <tld:maxCharAllowed>#MAXIMUM CHAR ALLOWED#</tld:maxCharAllowed>
            <tld:hyphenAllowed>#HYPHEN ALLOWED#</tld:hyphenAllowed>
            <tld:numberAllowed>#NUMBER ALLOWED#</tld:numberAllowed>
            <tld:localOCRequired>#LOCAL ORG CONTACT REQUIRED#</tld:localOCRequired>
            <tld:localACRequired>#LOCAL ADMIN CONTACT REQUIRED#</tld:localACRequired>
            <tld:localTCRequired>#LOCAL TECH CONTACT REQUIRED#</tld:localTCRequired>
            <tld:localBCRequired>#LOCAL BILLING CONTACT REQUIRED#</tld:localBCRequired>
            <tld:setupFee currency="#CURRENCY#">#SETUP FEE#</tld:setupFee>
            <tld:annualFee currency="#CURRENCY#">#ANNUAL FEE#</tld:annualFee>
            <tld:modificationFee currency="#CURRENCY#">#MODIFICATION FEE#</tld:modificationFee>
            <tld:tradeEnabled>#TRADE ENABLED#</tld:tradeEnabled>
            <tld:transferEnabled>#TRANSFER ENABLED#</tld:transferEnabled>
            <tld:transferOutEnabled>#TRANSFER OUT ENABLED#</tld:transferOutEnabled>
            <tld:updateEnabled>#UPDATE ENABLED#</tld:updateEnabled>
            <tld:updateOContactAllowed>#UPDATE O CONTACT ALLOWED#</tld:updateOContactAllowed>
            <tld:updateAContactAllowed>#UPDATE A CONTACT ALLOWED#</tld:updateAContactAllowed>
            <tld:updateTContactAllowed>#UPDATE T CONTACT ALLOWED#</tld:updateTContactAllowed>
            <tld:updateBContactAllowed>#UPDATE B CONTACT ALLOWED#</tld:updateBContactAllowed>
            <tld:updateLicenseeNeedTrade>#UPDATE LICENSEE NEED TRADE#</tld:updateLicenseeNeedTrade>
            <tld:tradeFee currency="#CURRENCY#">#TRADE FEE#</tld:tradeFee>
            <tld:tradeRequired>#TRADE REQUIRED#</tld:tradeRequired>
            <tld:tradeRequiredForFields>#TRADE FIELDS#</tld:tradeRequiredForFields>
            <tld:transferFee currency="#CURRENCY#">#TRANSFER FEE#</tld:transferFee>
            <tld:transferAddYear>#TRANSFER NUMBER OF FREE YEARS#</tld:transferAddYear>
            <tld:transferNeedAuthCode>#TRANSFER NEED AUTHCODE#</tld:transferNeedAuthCode>
            <tld:transferTradeEnabled>#TRANSFERTRADE ENABLED#</tld:transferTradeEnabled>
            <tld:lockingEnabled>#LOCKING ENABLED#</tld:lockingEnabled>
            <tld:information><![CDATA[#ADDITIONAL INFORMATION#]]></tld:information>
            <tld:dnsSec>#DNSSEC ALLOWED#</tld:dnsSec>
            <tld:idn>#IDN ALLOWED#</tld:idn>
            <tld:needAdditionalInfoNew>#NEED ADDITIONAL INFO NEW#</tld:needAdditionalInfoNew>
            <tld:needAdditionalInfoUpdate>#NEED ADDITIONAL INFO UPDATE#</tld:needAdditionalInfoUpdate>
            <tld:needAdditionalInfoTransfer>#NEED ADDITIONAL INFO#</tld:needAdditionalInfoTransfer>
            <tld:needAdditionalInfoTrade>#NEED ADDITIONAL INFO TRADE#</tld:needAdditionalInfoTrade>
            <tld:needAdditionalInfoSunrise>#NEED ADDITIONAL INFO SUNRISE#</tld:needAdditionalInfoSunrise>
            <tld:needContactValidation>#NEED CONTACT VALIDATION#</tld:needContactValidation>
            <tld:transferNeedSignedDoc>#TRANSFER NEED SIGNED DOC#</tld:transferNeedSignedDoc>
            <tld:updateNsAllowed>#UPDATE NS ALLOWED#</tld:updateNsAllowed>
            <tld:renewalMethod>#RENEWAL METHOD#</tld:renewalMethod>
            <tld:renewalFee currency="#CURRENCY#">#RENEWAL FEE#</tld:renewalFee>
            <tld:reactivateEnabled>#REACTIVATE ENABLED#</tld:reactivateEnabled>
            <tld:reactivateFee currency="#CURRENCY#">#REACTIVATE FEE#</tld:reactivateFee>
            <tld:whoisPrivacy>#WHOIS PRIVACY ENABLED#</tld:whoisPrivacy>
            <tld:claims beginDate="#BEGIN DATE#" endDate="#END DATE#">#CLAIMS#</tld:claims>

< tld:list > (Occurrences: 1)

R #TLD# Top-level domain (COM per example)
R #CATEGORY# The category the TLD belongs to (GTLD/CCTLD/NGTLD)
R #COUNTRY# The country/regions the TLD belongs to
R #MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD# The minimum number of years a domain can be registered
R #MAXIMUM SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD# The maximum number of years a domain can be registered
R #INCREMENT SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD# Add a multiplier of this value to the minimum subscription period to increase the final subscription period
R #REGISTRATION DELAY# Time it takes to register a domain (Text format)
R #MINIMUM RENEW PERIOD# The minimum number of years a domain can be renewed
R #MAXIMUM RENEW PERIOD# The maximum number of years a domain can be renewed
R #RENEW BEFORE EXPIRATION# The number of days before expiration a domain in auto-renew mode will begin its renew process
R #MINIMUM CHAR ALLOWED# The minimum number of char allowed for a domain name
R #MAXIMUM CHAR ALLOWED# The maximum number of char allowed for a domain name
R #HYPHEN ALLOWED# Information whether usage of hyphen character "-" is allowed or not (YES/NO)
R #HYPHEN ALLOWED# Information whether usage of numerical characters are allowed or not (YES/NO)
R #LOCAL ORG REQUIRED# Specifies whether local organisation contact is required or not
R #LOCAL ADMIN REQUIRED# Specifies whether local administrative contact is required or not
R #LOCAL TECH CONTACT REQUIRED# Specifies whether local technical contact is required or not
R #LOCAL BILLING REQUIRED# Specifies whether local billing contact is required or not
R #INCREMENT RENEW PERIOD# Add a multiplier of this value to the minimum renewal period to increase the final renewal period
R #SETUP FEE# Setup fee (Discount included)
R #CURRENCY# The currency of the returned amount
R #ANNUAL FEE# Annual fee (Discount included)
R #CURRENCY# The currency of the returned amount
R #MODIFICATION FEE# Modification fee (Discount included)
R #CURRENCY# The currency of the returned amount
R #TRADE ENABLED# Information whether we currently offer the possibility to perform trades or not (YES/NO)
R #TRANSFER ENABLED# Information whether a domain may be Transferred to EuroDNS (YES/NO)
R #TRANSFER OUT ENABLED# Information whether a domain may be Transferred from EuroDNS (YES/NO)
R #UPDATE ENABLED# Information whether a domain may be updated (YES/NO)
R #UPDATE O CONTACT ALLOWED# Information whether the organisational contact may be updated (YES/NO)
R #UPDATE A CONTACT ALLOWED# Information whether the administrative contact may be updated (YES/NO)
R #UPDATE T CONTACT ALLOWED# Information whether the technical contact may be updated (YES/NO)
R #UPDATE B CONTACT ALLOWED# Information whether the billing contact may be updated (YES/NO)
R #UPDATE LICENSEE NEED TRADE# Updating licesee need trade operation (YES/NO)
R #TRADE FEE# Trade fee (Discount included)
R #CURRENCY# The currency of the returned amount
R #TRADE REQUIRED# Information whether a trade is required to update the organisational contact (licensee) of the domain or not (YES/NO)
R #TRADE FIELDS# List of the fields of the organisational contact that can only be modified by performing a trade
R #TRANSFER FEE# Fee for transfers to EuroDNS (Discount included)
R #CURRENCY# The currency of the returned amount
R #TRANSFER NUMBER OF FREE YEARS# Number of free years included in the transfer fee
R #TRANSFER NEED AUTHCODE# Information whether an authcode is required for transfers or not (YES/NO).
R #TRANSFERTRADE ENABLED# Information whether a transfer/trade is required for transfers or not (YES/NO).
R #LOCKING ENABLED# Information whether a domain may be locked or not (YES/NO)
R #RESTRICTED# Information whether the TLD is restricted or not (YES/NO)
R #ADDITIONAL INFORMATION# Additional information (Restrictions, Promotions...)
R #DNSSEC# Information whether a tld has a dnssec or not (YES/NO)
R #IDN# Information whether the TLD has an idn or not (YES/NO)
R #NEED ADDITIONAL INFO NEW# Need additional information for new (YES/NO)
R #NEED ADDITIONAL INFO UPDATE# Need additional info for update (YES/NO)
R #NEED ADDITIONAL INFO TRANSFER# Need additional info for transfer (YES/NO)
R #NEED ADDITIONAL INFO TRADE# Need additional info for trade (YES/NO)
R #NEED ADDITIONAL INFO SUNRISE# Need additional info for sunrise (YES/NO)
R #NEED CONTACT VALIDATION# Need contact validation (YES/NO)
R #TRANSFER NEED SIGNED DOC# Information whether signed document is required upon transfer (YES/NO)
R #UPDATE NS ALLOWED# Information whether nameservers may be updated (YES/NO)
R #RENEWAL FEE# Fee for renewal (Discounts included)
R #CURRENCY# The currency of the returned amount
R #REACTIVATE ENABLED# Information whether domains may be reactivated (YES/NO)
R #REACTIVATE FEE# Fee for domain reactivation (Discount included)
R #CURRENCY# The currency of the returned amount
R #WHOIS PRIVACY ENABLED# Information whether domains may have whois privacy (YES/NO)
R #CLAIMS# Information whether the tld is currently in claim period or not (YES/NO)
O #BEGIN DATE# Begin date of claim period - ISO 8601 format
O #END DATE# End date of claim period - ISO 8601 format


O The element is optional and does not have to be specified in the request and/or answer
R The element is mandatory and has to specified in the request and/or answer